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Top 5: Hiring A Medical Device Sales Team

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

So, you have a medical device project that has a functioning prototype, FDA approval, and fulfilled manufacturing, and now you need to find a way to distribute it. In the Research and Development industry, it is standard for the inventor to be responsible for fulfilling and hiring a sales team. But what do you look for in a medical device sales representative? Well, here are the top 5 qualities and services to search for in a sales rep or sales team.

Taking notes on medical device sales

1. Aggressive Approach-

What you want to look for in a sales force is their initiative and dedication to each individual project. They should strive to distribute projects to the market as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find a sales representative that cares enough about your project to have the dedication behind selling your product. However, Vita Solutions is motivated, efficient, and dedicated to bringing inventors and their projects success, and with our aggressive and driven mindset, we achieve our main goal of fast distribution.

2. Access To International and Domestic Market-

Most sales teams are only focused on distributing products through the USA market. They have no intention of sending medical device projects to international markets. You want your product to have as much exposure as possible for a successful launch. At Vita Solutions, we offer both international and domestic sales. We have distribution partners in Brazil and the UK/EU market. Furthermore, Vita Group is opening an office in the EU/UK in May of 2023! This will provide even more opportunities for ourselves and investors to explore the international market.

3. Willingness to Learn-

Every sales representative you come across should have a desire for learning. A good sales candidate should be actively engaged in learning about your product and the ever-changing sales environment to ensure successful distribution. At Vita Group, we train our sales team, Vita Solutions, on the project's usage and specifics so they are experts on your project and can achieve efficient distribution. It’s important for each member of our sales team to be engaged in the learning process.

4. Problem Solvers-

Critical problem solving skills are important and useful for a sales representative to have. They need creativity to handle potential customers and find new ways to pursue and retain a client. Creativity and problem solving are integral to a beneficial distribution. You need a sales representative who looks at problems as an opportunity to find a solution. Therefore, a positive attitude is essential. Find someone who asks the big questions and looks at the long-term – someone willing to take matters into their own hands when need be. These are the type of sales representatives that are hired onto Vita Solutions, so you can rest assured your project is in good hands.

5. Trustworthy-

A major key to hiring on a sales team is making sure you trust them with your project. Your project is your baby- you’ve put a lot of time, effort, and money into keeping it alive and thriving. You should feel comfortable and confident in whoever you sign onto selling your project. Vita Group is special because when you partner with us, you don’t need to worry about distribution. Instead of the responsibility falling on you to hire and fulfill a sales team, we take currently developed products and transfer that information to our plug-and-play sales team, Vita Solutions. You already know we are a company you can trust because we already know about your project and care about your project’s success.

Making a medical device sale

To learn more about how Vita Solutions can help you, find us at this website,

Or contact our president Justin Barbot for more information:


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