Bringing physical form and function to life through in-house rapid prototyping.
VitaTek utilizes multiple in-house 3d printers to bring our inventor's medical device concepts to life.

Our investment in the esteemed Stratasys J750 allows for the production of medical device prototypes, with an assortment of colors, textures and finishes. Low-fidelity prototyping is the starting point towards high-fidelity, concept freeze, and design for manufacturing. Low-fidelity prototypes offer a wonderful way to place a physical device in the hands of the inventor; where they can feel the size, shape and weight of the device. Our engineers will continue to test the prototype, implement design iterations, and communicate with the inventor during weekly calls through the completion of phase 1.
Why choose VitaTek for rapid medical device prototyping?
In-house 3D printers
In-house engineering workshop
Rapid-fast design iterations
Multiple finishes and colors available
Introduction of branding in prototypes

Phase 1
Concept Refinement, Low-Fidelity Prototypes, Bench Testing, Database Refinement, User Assessment, Regulatory Pathway, Regulatory Risk Analysis, Manufacturing Ballparks, Business Strategy, Roadmap for Development, CAD File with Labeled Parts, CAD File Parts Measured, Business Plan & Investor Docs, and Anatomy Animation Video.